In October 2012, the Haunted Auckland team embarked on a second investigation at a private residence in New Lynn, Auckland. The residents of the property allowed us a full overnight investigation after we noticed a strange feeling of presence in a bedroom used by Michael, the head of the household.
Tag: Presence
Explore the PumpHouse Theatre
Experience a virtual tour of the PumpHouse Theatre right now! You can explore the PumpHouse Theatre and experience the atmosphere of the location for yourself without leaving home.
Hunua Falls
Located in Auckland’s Hunua Ranges Regional Park, the tranquillity of Hunua Falls belies it’s tragic history which may have garnered a paranormal reputation.
The Nature and Existence of Ghosts
“What are ghosts?” – This is a question which is often pondered by paranormal investigators. A recent Reddit post started me thinking on my theories on the nature and existence of ghosts and I decided I would take the opportunity to expand on my thoughts here.