Ramada Hotel – Hamilton [Information request]

We often get people emailing or messaging us, (or myself directly) with strange occurrences they have experienced while traveling around, staying in hotels and B&Bs, etc
When we get these stories we store them away, after researching the location first to see if there have been any other reports of activity here.
Quite often I’ll contact the hotel directly and ask them if they are aware of anything unusual happening. Usually, they’ll shrug it off and say no, not wanting anything to go public. So we take the individual occurrence report and file it away in the hope others might come forward with more stories about the location and their experiences there. Then we can start to build a case file and look into the possibility of taking the research further.
One random moment in a hotel that may or may not be just a simple misinterpreted action (as many tend to be) isn’t enough to warrant anything further like an investigation. Unless of course the hotel admits there have been other occurrences and invites us in.
Often the stories are localised or kept in-house. Often those having the experiences don’t make a big deal about it or don’t go public with their experience and just keep hush about it.
so it’s a little bit exciting when we start to get multiple claims coming in.

This happened recently. I received a message from one of our followers. I promised I wouldn’t mention any names or give away details of their room.
He and his wife had stayed at the Ramada Hotel in Hamilton recently. They were there for two nights. On the second night, they were just sitting on the bed relaxing with a take-away meal and a wine when they heard movement coming from the bathroom. The towel which had been sitting folded on the bench, was now lying in the shower. On the floor was a small bottle of complimentary body wash that the towel had knocked off the bench, somehow, as it made its way over into the shower cubicle a few feet distance.

The man also reported someone tapping on the window in the early hours. Three sets of three knocks, in succession. Stranger because they were a few floors up.
Normally, if this was a first for that location and there was nothing mentioned anywhere online about other activity occurring there, I’d either contact the hotel to ask or just file it for future reference.

Now, the reason I am writing this. Yes, I ramble!

Back in Sept 2020, I stayed at the Ramada in Hamilton. I was down there playing a gig with some mates at a music venue in town. It was cheap, but tidy and clean. The room they gave me was a simple open-plan room. The usual; bed, bathroom, TV….
On the way up I noticed that the walls looked a little dated than the rest of the building. On asking, I found out I was in the old part of the building. The hotel had been greatly built on to and refurbished.
I met a cleaner in one of the corridors on my way up to my room. She confirmed that I was indeed in the ”old part of the hotel”. Surprisingly followed up with ”lucky you, you’re on the haunted level.”
Of course, I immediately jumped at her with questions, but all I could garner was that ‘‘We see and hear things all the time” and ‘‘I saw a ghost once in one of the rooms down there”, as she nodded her head in the direction of some unknown room down the corridor.
That night, I slept horribly. Messed up dreams and broken sleep.
The next morning I woke up, had a shower, and instantly felt dizzy and nauseous. I had to dry off quickly and go lay down, to save hurting myself if I fainted.
The 1.5-hour drive back to Auckland was scary. I was stopping every few kilometers to open my door and hover over the gutter feeling dizzy and like I was going to vomit. By the time I was back in Auckland and heading over the bridge to home, I felt totally fine.

Quite possibly unrelated to the room or the hotel, but it was terrible timing.
So, that report has sat in my files since September 2020 and now we have a new occurrence fresh in.

Have any of our followers had anything odd happen to them at this hotel that they’d like to share?
The photo is of my room the night I stayed.

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