Albany Substation region information request

I’m doing some research on an area of land that we’ve had a few people make contact with us about through the years.
There seem to be quite a few reports of unusual activity in the properties surrounding the Albany Substation.
Those that I have spoken to report the usual array of occurrences. From shadow figures and heard footsteps, to touchings and painful static shocks around the neck and hands.
We are trying to work out if we can make any possible correlation between the EMF levels given off by such a large structure and the paranormal reports we have heard from a few in the area.

I’ve made a few visits in past years and spent time in the area recording the levels, which I noted had proven slightly higher than usual during more overcast weather.
We know that high EMF (Electromagnetic field) levels can sometimes induce everything from hallucinations and night terrors to skin disorders, dizziness, and nausea for those nearby. but is this always the case?
In this area, is it the EMF levels causing the claims, or something else?
Do any of our followers live in this region?
More specifically, Bass Road which follows the Substation’s perimeter.
Thanks in advance – Mark

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