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The Gunni is a wombat-like cryptid with antlers, purportedly formerly found near Marysville, Victoria, Australia. A stuffed one was on display in the Marysville Visitors’ Information Centre, along with other local wildlife including a Lyrebird and Leadbeater’s possum, prior to the February 2009 Victorian bushfires which destroyed the centre. Reportedly,

Sleeping with Demons

Sleeping with Demons

There are times when we will be called out to look into frightening accounts of regular, nightly torment from unknown, possibly demonic entities. These people seem genuinely scared, fragile and confused. They are often apprehensive about coming forward and making contact, and they fear ridicule from those who might not



The Yara-ma-yha-who is a creature from Australian Aboriginal folklore. This creature resembles a little red man with a very big head and large mouth with no teeth. On the ends of its hands and feet are suckers. It lives in fig trees and does not hunt for food, but waits

Project Puhinui: Session Three – Puhinui House, Howick Historical Village

Project Puhinui: Session Three – Puhinui House, Howick Historical Village

Session Three: April 9th 2016 – Solo overnight vigil by Sam Collier. I was no stranger to Puhinui house itself. Being a local to the Howick and Pakuranga area meant almost annual visits to the Howick historical village right through my school life from primary to college. I can’t ever recall

Catalina Hangar – West Auckland

Catalina Hangar – West Auckland

During WW2, Hangars; large buildings built to house, store and maintain aircraft, were crucial to the Hobsonville Point Air Base. The ‘No 2’ Catalina Hangar, Built in 1934, housed the famous Catalina seaplanes. Thanks to Daniel at Aotearoa Abandoned for the heads up on this fascinating location.  

Derelict Bristol 170 Freighter plane – Awhitu

Derelict Bristol 170 Freighter plane – Awhitu

This derelict plane gathering greenery on a south Auckland farm has been intriguing those who have stumbled across it for decades. The fuselage of the Bristol 170 Freighter sits abandoned but still very much appreciated by aero fanatics, on an Awhitu paddock.

Dairy Farm house – South Auckland

Dairy Farm house – South Auckland

Sitting abandoned and stripped of anything of value, this old Dairy Farm house sits on a busy rural road awaiting demolition and development.

Playhouse Theatre, Glen Eden

Playhouse Theatre, Glen Eden

The team was invited to visit this wonderful old theatre in west Auckland’s Glen Eden. We had heard stories of ‘Ernie‘, the resident ghost, who some say, has been residing there since World War 2. Ernie is often blamed for any theatre mishaps within the theatre and comfortably known by most

Kaikoura UFO sightings

Kaikoura UFO sightings

Report in – 22 January 2013 Among the hundreds of UFO sightings in New Zealand, only one was ever fully investigated. Public and media interest in the Kaikoura UFO sightings in 1978, coupled with strong personal interest from prime minister Robert Muldoon, led to the air force preparing a

Maunu Cemetery

Maunu Cemetery

Maunu Cemetery and Crematorium is situated 6.5km west of Whangarei in Cemetery Road off State Highway 14 (the Whangarei to Dargaville highway). It is set in over 90 acres of rolling countryside, with beautiful bush clad valleys and pockets of remnant native trees. The cemetery is maintained to a high

Editor's Choice
Lake House Art Centre – Overnight investigation session
Lake House Art Centre – Overnight investigation session11/05/2019Investigations / Lake House Arts CentreHi all, a big thanks to all those who stayed up so late to keep us company during some of our investigation last night. The location we were at was the Lake House Arts Centre, in Takapuna. A stunning piece of historic real estate, built in the 1890s as a family home and in 1997, relocated in 7 pieces from its original place on Hurstmere Road, at the Northern end of Takapuna Beach. A second story was added in 1909, bringing the bedroom count to 17. A fascinating place with a somewhat ”eclectic” and unusual back-story. [...] Read more...
Central Hotel – Dargaville
Central Hotel – Dargaville29/07/2017Haunted Locations / Hotels and Businesses / InvestigationsOn July 29th the team headed off on another road trip, this time up north to Dargaville, to spend the night investigating ongoing paranormal activity within the Central Hotel. The Hotel sits directly opposite the mighty Northern Wairoa River and is located at the corner of Victoria and Edward Street Dargaville. Constructed in 1901, during the Kauri logging and ship building era, the first hotel on the site was known as the Kaihu Hotel until it burned down on the morning of Saturday 16 February 1901. One man, named James Carmody, didn’t escape the fire. The victim’s bones were discovered amongst the ashes after the fire and an inquest was later held to determine the cause of death. The hotel itself was completely destroyed. The licensee of the hotel, Edmond Moriarty, had previously been the publican of the Pahi Hotel which coincidently had burned down in September 1897, when he had been in charge of that establishment. Auckland based Architect John Currie designed the new hotel and had advertised for tenders for the erection of the new replacement hotel in March of 1901. Currie was also the architect for the new Pahi Hotel and also possibly the Maungaturoto Hotel. Haunted History Staff have reported hearing unexplained activity in the two bars in the hotel. this included more possibly physical activity; glasses being banged down on the bar when no one is there. In the Club bar, the sound of a glass being put down loudly on the bar has been heard by all staff. They hear it while they are working in the Lounge bar and when they go through to serve whoever it was who was trying to get their attention there the bar is empty. Beds in some of the rooms were found messed up with no apparent explanation. The bed in Room 14 is sometimes messed up with an indent in the pillow (as if someone had been lying in the bed) and shadows have been seen in the hallway leading to that room. People have reported seeing shadows and movement downstairs and in the upstairs hallways. Previous Australian paranormal students who stayed at the hotel a few years prior to our visit had mentioned to the owners claimed to have had ”very positive readings” on their equipment, in their time there. Staff monitoring the DVR security video system have also noticed balls of light moving around the gaming machines in the Club bar. The present owners reported coming into the bar one morning to find every piece of paper that had been on the walls around both bars was on the floor. They also told us that they have talked to previous owners and that they too tell similar stories of the ‘ghost activity. One of the people we spoke to told us that they feel that there is ‘something’ around the middle of the stairs. The owner told us that when they first came to the hotel it was rundown and uncared for and they were felt that the building was hurting due to having mistreated by bad tenants. It is a lovely old building. The current owners really care for the building and it shows. We noted a few old photos of the hotel from a few years ago on the walls around the bar area and the building looked very scruffy and unkempt at the time these earlier photos were taken. The building is now well maintained and has a pleasant atmosphere. The main focus of our investigation took part in the hotel guest room no 14. a small unassuming room, small, clean, and comfortable, and was very similar to the other single rooms in the hotel; so we were surprised when the owner told us that most people look at the room and refuse to sleep there. She told us that in the last four years the room had probably only been used 5 or 6 times, as it is never chosen and they don’t like to put people in it due to the activity experienced in and around the room. There was a dining room, kitchen, a small office with reception area, and storerooms on the ground floor. Beside the office, there was a beautiful carpeted staircase, which lead to the accommodation. Once up the stairs, there was the manager’s accommodation and two accommodation wings on either side of the landing. To the right was the main accommodation wing where there were 8 guest rooms with a bathroom and toilet block at the end of the corridor. There was also a small guest kitchen, storeroom, and a guest lounge with a door out to the balcony that ran along the front and side of the hotel. The balcony overlooked the river across the road, as did the room at the front of the main accommodation wing. This room was being renovated at the time of our visit (although we did have access to it and all rooms in this wing). The other wing was to the right once at the top of the stairs and was not used often. It was only opened if the main wing was fully occupied. We conducted several EVP sessions in Room 14 as well as the hotel corridor that led to room 14. Barbara and Mark also did a separate EVP session early on in the night on the steps of the hotel. We also did EVP sessions in both Bars of the hotel. We asked the usual questions we normally do during an investigation, although a lot of our questions were focused on establishing contact with the diseased James that had originally died in the hotel. Some of the viewers of a short Facebook live-feed we thought we’d do at the time, commented they felt there was a little girl in the hotel, either age 5, 7 or 9. Approaching the end of our investigation that night, all team members sat quietly in the corridor where we had the a laser grid and cameras set up. Marlene sat with her back against the wall of the upstairs corridor, with the stairs facing to her right. During one of these quiet sessions, she reported hearing the sound of someone approaching the upstairs landing. ”It was very distinct, clear, and almost sounded “in detail”. It sounded like someone trying to walk very slowly upstairs hence the creaking on the wooden steps was very pronounced. Barbara at the time next to me also heard it. It was different than just the normal creaking sounds and thumps an old building makes at night.” We had some interesting large Electromagnetic spikes that were picked up by two different branded EMF meters at the time. These were in room 14. However, we were able to establish that these EMF readings were generated from only one tiny spot on the floor, which makes it more plausible that it is electric wiring or something situated directly underneath that room (on the first floor) that could be giving off regular EMF. There were a few odd noises heard while doing communication sessions in the bars but the one that stood out for the team was what sounded like what could have been a glass being put down heavily on the bar. (This was a noise that the staff had reported as having been heard by all staff members at times. They would go to the bar to serve whoever it was and no one would be there) Another audio incident of interest; Marlene and Barbara reported hearing what sounded like two definite heavy footsteps on the main stairs as they were packing up. The investigation went really well and the team worked well together. We got all areas of interest in the hotel investigated and documented. As a team, we were able to take hundreds of photos, many hours of video, check baseline EMF levels and temperatures and monitor them throughout the evening, investigate thoroughly all areas of interest in the hotel, hold numerous communication sessions in key areas and monitor the hallway, where shadows had been seen, for movement using a laser grid and multi-camera set up. The entire investigation was also recorded on audio and video. Individually we were able to set up video cameras and audio recorders in each of our rooms in an attempt to capture any activity that may have occurred as we slept. The Central Hotel was a lovely heritage building and we really enjoyed our investigation there. The owners were very welcoming and were happy to recount stories about possible paranormal activity they had experienced as well as stories they had heard from others. Despite conducting a full overnight investigation and sleeping in the room where a lot of the activity is supposed to be centered around, we did not experience anything that convinced us that the hotel is haunted. We did hear (and record) sounds of movement, possible footsteps, and a door squeaking but these all could have rational explanations. There were unexplained occurrences involving torches malfunctioning while we were conducting a communication session and sounds recorded in the bar however these are not necessarily paranormal events. Therefore at this moment in time, the team can’t say that the hotel is haunted….. but then again we can’t say that it is not either.       [...] Read more...
The Possiblity of Mosasaurs breeding off the New Zealand Coast.
The Possiblity of Mosasaurs breeding off the New Zealand Coast.10/08/2012Cryptozoology News / Kiwi Cryptids / Opinions and TheoriesIntroduction: There have been many encounters with unknown creatures off the coast of New Zealand, with the East coast being particularly favoured. There is a very good reason for this, running parallel to New Zealand’s coastline is the Hikurangi Trench. A deep gouge on the ocean floor, that descends in places to depths of 3,750 metres (12,300 ft).[ (Lewis, Collott, & Lallemand, 1998, pp. 441-468.) New Zealands unique oceanography These deep troughs bring a wealth of nutrient rich organisms to the surface allowing for a mass of biodiversity to flourish in the nutrient rich upper waters. Krill are profuse here along with smaller fish species which create a nutrient rich environment for larger predatory animals such as Giant Squid, which in turn are preyed upon by Sperm Whales. So there is no deficit of vast food supplies for large predatory animals cruising the depths of New Zealand’s coastline. Where the Hikurangi Trench joins up with the Tonga Trench, the area is heavily spotted with areas of geothermal activity which provide warm waters as well as a warm current which flows from the equatorial region. This area of the Tonga Trench has a rich diversity of marine life previously undiscovered until recent expeditions. This is a very harsh environment where reshaping of the seafloor is happening continually, to quote from the results of a joint project between the Universities of Durham and Oxford, and funded by the National Research Centre. “Where the Pacific plate collides with the Indo-Australian plate, it is forced downwards into the trench, a subduction zone, and the volcanoes are carried with it. The trench, reaching a depth of 10.9km, forms the second deepest stretch of seabed anywhere in the world – easily large enough to hold Mount Everest” What would make this an ideal nursery and breeding place? The abundant food supply, warm, water and lack of large predatory animals would make this an ideal breeding and nursery ground for Mosasaurs. Migrating whales along these routes would also provide a range of suitably sized animals for the young mosasaurs to feed on, and just returning from the feeding grounds would make these whales wholesome additions to their diet. Personally, I think the primary reason that many of these creatures are avoiding detection is the fact that they have learned to avoid the sound of a ship’s engine and stay well away from any encroaching vessel or main shipping lane. These out of the way areas often lead to shallow bays which are warmed by the circum-tasmanian current which brings warm water to the Bay of Plenty, which coincidently boarders the Kermedec trench. Warm water, shallow bays and a deep nutrient rich feeding ground create ideal nutrient rich conditions. Likewise a high percentage of creature observations have been made in these very waters. So what has been seen in these waters? The earliest known reference to Mosasaur like creatures in New Zealand waters comes from a report dated August 1st 1899 from the Union Steam Ships Chief Officer of the Rotomahama, Lindsay Kerr. He reported a huge Conger Eel, except it had two fins, one on each side of the body. This colossus Rose up to a high of 30 feet out of the water. This sighting occurred near the Portland Light situated between Gisborne and Napier. Right in the area of suitable Mosasaur habitat coincidently. When shown pictures of various types of Eels, Mr Kerr said it had a more crocodilian type head rather than anything he was shown. In April 1971 the crew of the Kompira Maru saw a “Bug-Eyed Monster” which resembled a large crocodile, but had fins instead of Legs, which were clearly visible as it leaped and dived under the water. 1972 three women were whitebaiting at the mouth of the Orari River near Temuka watched a huge creature wallowing in the breakers about 30 m away from them. They described a light grey lizard like beast that was around 15 m long, which at one point opened its mouth to reveal numerous small sharp teeth. (SamYivano, 2007) There is nothing to be said to make me think otherwise but personally, I do believe these creatures are out there as there have been too many sightings that are so closely reminiscent of mosasaurs as to be easily dismissed. There have been 11 reported sightings of Mosasaur like animals reported in New Zealand waters, a higher number than anywhere else. Are they a new species? Perhaps. I would more like to think of a Coelacanth scenario, an ancient species that has adapted to survive into the modern age. We are still but children taking our first unsteady paddling steps into a very wide and portentous ocean that holds many secrets and undisclosed treasures we thought once lost. Lewis, K. B., Collott, J., & Lallemand, S. E. (1998). The dammed Hikurangi Trough: A channel-fed trench blocked by subducting seamounts and their wake avalanches (New Zealand-France GeodyNZ Project (pp. 441-468.). SamYivano. (2007). Jaws. Retrieved from http://http// [...] Read more...
Avondale Community Hall
Avondale Community Hall17/10/2020InvestigationsThis was right where the Hollywood Cinema building is today, but was shifted in 1924. Publican James Palmer donated the combined land to the community in the mid 1860s, and it was placed in the hands of trustees. In 1867, the hall was completed. But there were so many changes and alterations over the years, beyond the 1924 shift. It had a front porch entrance — that went when the last surviving trustee, John Bollard, handed things over to the Avondale Road Board in early 1915, and they went ahead and built a brick frontage with offices above in front of the old wooden hall. That frontage is the front part of the cinema today. Then the Road Board became the Borough Council in 1922, and they wanted something better than the make-do version from the First World War days. So over onto the other side of the section went the hall, and up went the rest of the Town Hall and auditorium. It became a city library in the early 1930s after Avondale amalgamated with the city in 1927. In the 1970s the new library was built, so the hall became a Citizens Advice Bureau and traffic offices. During the 1980s, it was our local community centre. The hall and the cinema building were sold by Council to Jan Grefstad in the early 1990s, and both are still together on the same title. Haunted Auckland investigated the Avondale Community Hall on Oct 17th, 2020.   [...] Read more...
Crying Boy painting collected from Dunedin –  A tragic case
Crying Boy painting collected from Dunedin – A tragic case04/07/2022Haunted Objects / Hauntings / Private ResidencesWe have a room here full of items passed on to us by people In similar situations. I’ve adopted quite a few haunted or cursed items through the years. A lot of dolls too. ( a bit weird for a 53-year-old guy I reckon) but I just feel it needs to be done, instead of destroying them. In theory, whatever has attached to them was quite possibly a person at some point; with feelings, a family, and a history. It just feels wrong to me to cast them away or destroy them. Because of my chosen field of study, I feel a responsibility to look after and preserve the memory of these items, good or bad. One of the more recent acquisitions to the haunted object research room is a Crying Boy painting which I collected from a house down in Dunedin. The painting seems to be the source of much trauma and upset to this family; especially the daughter who has been in contact with me for about two years now. She is doing her best to cope in such a situation, but understandably it certainly can’t be easy. We have stayed in contact as I was unable to travel due to lockdowns and restrictions. I did visit the house briefly the previous year but was unable to do any thorough investigation. However, one of the items of concern was left out for me to collect. On Queen’s Birthday weekend, June 2022, members of my Haunted Auckland team; Sam, Barbara and myself, flew down to Dunedin to investigate a couple of locations. We also visited the home to properly document the surroundings and prepare the painting for removal. The house we are told is around 140 years old. It had been a quiet and ordinary family dwelling, up until the painting was brought into the home. I have promised to keep all names, addresses and personal information private, though I am detailing as much as I can in order to document this case for my own research files. The copy I am publishing here has been heavily edited to omit any personal information. Soon after the painting was brought into the home and hung on the father’s bedroom wall, the family dynamic and general mood started to change. Family members were soon afflicted by an unusual skin infection. An inflamed dermatitis/eczema-like rash in parts of their bodies. Tragically, soon after, both parents died 2 weeks apart. The mother was rendered unable to breathe and the father suddenly bled to death in the bathroom. Since their passing, the daughter has stayed in the house only once and in that time reported experiencing further, this time more physical activity, that may or may not be attributed to the painting. Family members had also experienced unusual activity during that time. The family dog started acting unusually. ”He kept freaking out and looking at the ceiling and then busting down the doors to get away from whatever he was seeing” One month after the father passed away, an ornamental bottle sitting on a cabinet shelf flew across the room and shattered into ”a thousand pieces”. A wall clock also ”threw” itself across the room in the middle of the night and struck a rather realistic-looking animatronic toy cat, in a basket. The cat is a wind-up item, covered in real fur and when wound up, gives off a purring sound as its stomach rises and falls, to mimic sleeping. The cat had been broken many years prior and hasn’t worked for well over twelve years. Until that moment. The clock struck the cat, which started ”breathing and purring” out loud. I brought the cat home with me the first time I visited the home a year previous. The daughter told me she didn’t know what to do and was keen to destroy the painting and see it gone from the house for good, but she decided this wouldn’t be a wise thing to do. According to those I consulted, (more experienced and knowledgeable in this type of situation than I am) destroying the item would be counterproductive and pointless and does nothing, as the apparently negative attachment would just move on to something or someone else. Whether or not there is any truth to this theory, I wasn’t in any position to doubt or discard the information offered to me. I’m not really a believer in the concept of spirit attachments, but sometimes when matters are as emotionally sensitive as this one was, you have to leave the scepticism out and tread lightly, with a compassionate and open mind. Everyone in the family who had been in contact with the painting since the Mother and Father’s passing was soon affected. A noticeable change in mood, personality, and general demeanor, has created much conflict and division. Possibly an unfortunate coincidence, an Uncle and Auntie helping with cleaning out the house, mainly the Father’s room, also succumbed to great misfortune. The Aunty’s brother passed away and the Uncle developed cancer. The family again felt it was due to the alleged curse of the painting, so refused to enter the room ever again. When we arrived at the house the Father’s room had been left untouched, except for the removal of his bed and all personal belongings, leaving a few remaining pieces of furniture. A wardrobe, a dresser, and the Crying Boy painting, still in place on the wall. The Crying Boy painting now resides in our research archive. A monitored room dedicated to the re-homing of allegedly haunted or cursed items that we have ”adopted”, to relieve families living in fear. We will be staying in contact with the daughter to follow up on whether there has been any change since the painting’s removal and document anything that may occur while in its new home. Here is a photo of the Crying Boy painting in its previous position. For further information on the history of the Crying Boy curse, follow this link to an article on our website. [...] Read more...

“Pioneers in the field…. Leading the way with Paranormal Research in New Zealand” – Connor Biddle, Paranormal Encounters.

“I have much respect for the level of study Mark and his team have put into the paranormal phenomenon through the years. His work is interesting and very well researched.” – Murray Bott, U.F.O Researcher & NZ’s MUFON representative.

”Refreshing to see solid and innovative investigation work, done with passion and honesty. Haunted Auckland stand out in the crowd and dont fit any typical mould. This is a very good thing”. – Paranormal Review newsletter


Paranormal New Zealand is the home of Haunted Auckland, a Paranormal Investigation and Research group.

Whether you’ve been aware of Mark Wallbank’s research work since the 1980s, attended his early 90s discussion events, received the quarterly newsletters, subscribed to his popular mid-2000s online blog BizarreNZ, followed the Haunted Auckland team since 2010, or just recently discovered us; WELCOME and thanks for joining in the fun, learning, and adventures.

We are a dedicated group of paranormal researchers, all having one thing in common – a passion and drive to find out as much as humanly possible about the mysterious and unknown field that is the Paranormal, as well as documenting New Zealand’s historical buildings and landmarks in their current state.

Paranormal (păr′ə-nôr′məl) adjective.
Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal experience or scientific explanation. The term “paranormal” has existed in the English language since at least 1920. The word consists of two parts: “para” and “normal”. The definition implies that the scientific explanation of the world around us is “normal” and anything that is above, beyond, or contrary to that is “para”.

We’re always learning new things, so hope to pass that knowledge on to you all so that you might learn as we do, in this crazy but fascinating world of the paranormal.

Our primary reason for existing as a team is to experience first-hand and document any perceived paranormal activity so that we may learn to better understand the phenomena and the misconceptions surrounding it. Our aim as a research team is to study these phenomena as closely as possible to form more educated opinions via experimentation, documentation, and simply being present at the moment to record and respond accordingly to it and wherever it may lead us.

Firstly a few things you should know about Haunted Auckland. We’re a small Auckland based team of friendly, dedicated, well seasoned and enthusiastic researchers with differing levels of experience, knowledge, skills and expertise.  Our investigators are intelligent, honest, compassionate and possess critically thinking (yet wide open) minds. We’re also very good listeners.

We work closely with Property Managers, local Councils and Historical organisations to help preserve local histories, bring further awareness and raise funds by running public events.

In our time, the team has successfully raised many (much needed) thousands of  dollars, to assist with the upkeep and general running of these wonderful historic locations. Something we are very proud of.

We are also very proud to have worked alongside and assist both the NZ Police and NZ Fire Services with our work.

Haunted Auckland has it’s roots deep and strong. Going back to 1984, with a team (Auckland Ghost Hunting Group) formed by H.A founder, Mark Wallbank; making them NZ’s longest running Paranormal field-research entity.

What we aren’t:

We aren’t Ghost Busters, Ghost Hunters, Exorcists, Mediums, Clairvoyants or Psychics and we don’t do clearings, blessings or rid homes of alleged demons. We don’t do prayers, rituals, or bring in any religious elements to our work. We aren’t mental health experts or sleep disorder professionals, though we do work closely with mental health professionals.

We travel that spooky road, between sceptic and believer. We are happy to sit right in amongst it all and take the research wherever it may lead us.

While we are sceptical and doubtful of certain cases and ideas, we have seen and experienced enough in our time to realise that dedication to the research is definitely a worthwhile cause. Instead of blindly believing (or disbelieving), or just accepting what we are told is true and real, we prefer to seek out the answers ourselves through first-hand, “boots on the ground” investigation. Experimentation, observation and documentation. We don’t have all the answers and we don’t consider ourselves experts.

We don’t make bold claims we can’t back up with evidence or reliable data.

The team prides itself in being quite a bit different from other paranormal investigation teams out there. We tend to stay away from the mainstream gadget fads.

Research time in locations is valuable and a privilege, so wasting it on pointless flashy boxes that offer no accurate data in return or are vague and open to interpretation (as well as mis-interpretation) is counter-productive and a poorly used opportunity. Thinking outside of the ‘’box’’ confinements of the popular T.V and social media- lead mainstream is something, the team sees as important if the field is to move forward and gain any serious credibility or traction within scientific or academic circles.

The team utilises a combination of old-school thinking and techniques, coupled with a modern way of thinking. Simple and stripped back yet embracing current technology to work though theories and ideas that may find their way into our research. We don’t make claims we can’t back up with evidence or reliable data.

We pride ourselves in keeping it real. No faking evidence or embellishing of facts. If nothing happened, nothing happened.

Why we don’t offer Clearings and Banishings

We decided many years ago to stop offering clearings and cleansings, as the more we learned, the more unethical (even damaging) we could see it was on a few levels.
We wanted to experience and observe these ”beings” and learn about them. Learn from them directly, if such a thing is possible.
To hopefully interact and document as much as we could of it to advance the study of the paranormal.

If the theories on spirits are correct, then clearing, or ”banishing” becomes nothing more than a punishment, torture, an eviction from a home, or even a death. Death to a person (possibly living in an alternative dimension we are yet to even understand or comprehend), that has as much right to exist as ourselves.
Until ghosts, spirits, negative energies, and demons have been sufficiently verified to actually exist, (to which they as yet haven’t, outside of belief, possible misinterpretation, and superstition) it would be unethical to assume a position of knowledge and superiority enough to think we have rights that far outweigh theirs. That we may enter their home and try to evict or eradicate them as if they were cockroaches or some other household pest.

It’s about respect, understanding and compassion; on both sides.

What we are, is “real world” researchers. Learning by doing. If we don’t know something, we say so.

We don’t charge anything for what we do. The opportunity to investigate a location and hopefully further our research is its own great reward.

We follow the Scientific Method as closely as we are able to; though it’s not always easy to create a fully controlled environment and the fact that true paranormal activity is sporadic and very rare means we don’t always have a lot to go on. Still, we do our best with what we have to work with at the time and go wherever it takes us.

We go to where the stories come from in order to see for ourselves. We talk to the people involved to get their sides to the occurrences.

Our conclusions are never really final and we find multiple return visits yield the best results; so have built up trusting relationships with quite a few locations within the historical communities in this country.

Our clean and respected reputation within historical circles is something the team prides itself on, as it has grown over the last decade and is based on well over 200 investigation sessions within that time.

For a full listing of References & testimonials, please visit our TESTIMONIALS page on this website.

Exploration – Observation – Experimentation – Documentation … Ultimately leading to Interaction, Understanding and Conclusion.


Please check out our website and don’t hesitate to make contact if you have any queries or would like to know more about what we do.

We’re always happy to talk about spooks!

Through the years the team have investigated:




                                                                    Dargaville Central Hotel



Hawkes Bay

Central North Island

  •                                                                Chateau Tongariro Hotel                                                               Jubilee Pavillion – Marton


Northern South Island

                                                                                 Trout Hotel

West Coast and Central South Island

  • Seaview Asylum
  • Otira Stagecoach Hotel


  • The Old Shipping Office (Akaroa)


  • Cardrona Hotel
  • Vulcan Hotel (St Bathans)


United Kingdom

  • The Drovers Inn – Scotland
  • Traquair House – Innerleithen
  • Ancient Ram Inn – Wooton-Under-Edge
  • 30 East Drive – Pontefract
  • Boleskine House – Scotland
  • Ballachulish Hotel – Glencoe
  • Chillingham Castle
  • The Golden Fleece – York
  • Bunchrew House – Scotland
  • Oswald House – Kirkcaldy
  • The Skirrid Inn – Abergavenny
  • Halston Hall – Carlisle
  • Airth Castle
  • Dalhousie Castle
  • Barcaldine Castle – Oban
  • The Witchery – Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh Vaults – Scotland
  • Touchwood House – Scotland
  • Greyfriars Kirkyard – Scotland
  • The Hellfire Club – Ireland
  • Ostrich Inn – Slough
  • Caynton Caves –  Shropshire
  • Four Crosses Inn – Staffordshire
  • Torwood House – Scotland
  • Dalhousie Castle – Scotland
  • Windhouse – Yell, Shetland
  • Swan Hotel – Wooton-on-Edge
  • Weston Hall – Staffordshire
  • Clava Cairns – Inverness, Scotland
  • The Queen’s Head Hotel – Troutbeck
  • Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre – Hinkley


YHA [Katoomba]

Hartley Village [NSW]

Quarantine Station [Manly]

The Russell Hotel [Sydney]

Maitland Gaol [NSW]

Kilmore Gaol [Melbourne]

Aradale Lunatic Asylum [Melbourne]



Kaniakapupu Palace Ruins – Nuúanu Pali – Manoa – Oahu Cemetery [Oahu]

Norfolk Island

New Gaol – The Crank Mill – Bloody Bridge

Cryptozoological Field Research

YOWIE RESEARCH: Blue Mountains [ Australia] – Kanangra Ranges [Australia] – Blue Mountains Exploration: Research Area – Bullaburra [Australia]

MOEHAU RESEARCH: Coromandel Ranges [New Zealand] – Urerewa Ranges [New Zealand]



… as well as many private home visits around Auckland and surrounding towns and extensive investigation and exploration internationally.

Some of the services and experience we have on offer:

Research and Investigation of buildings, historical locations and businesses

Photo & video analysis

Photographic enhancements

General paranormal consultation

Historical Research

Conferences / Public speaking

Educational talks & fundraising for historical locations

Media interviews