After some interesting occurrences in a previous investigation and upon hearing further stories from the staff at the Village who received our report and corroborated some of the evidence we captured, we felt a second investigation with a larger team was necessary to help consolidate the evidence of paranormal activity at the Howick Historical Village.
Here is an audio anomaly captured simultaneously on two recorders in separate rooms. The anomaly sounds like a woman sighing in the first recording from the kitchen, and in the 2nd recording taken in the bedroom it appears to continue with indistinct words. This was captured while only 3 male investigators were present.
Tag: recording
From the Haunted Auckland Archives: Civic Theatre – Possible EVP recorded August 3rd 2012
This recording was captured during an August 2012 investigation, whilst Matthew and Lisa were standing in the special wheelchair-accessible seating area. They were questioning a few interesting EMF (Electromagnetic field) spikes and fluctuations that were occurring at the time.
What do you hear?
Sergeant Fords Cottage – Howick Historical Village: Visit 2 – 28th Jan, 2012.
Eckfords Maraetai Homestead – Howick Historical Village- Dec 17, 2011 Session 2 ”White Dress”
Audio Anomalies:
The following audio anomaly was captured 90 minutes into the investigation, within the Eckfords Maraetai Homestead building.
We believe this to be an example of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) as the voice recorded on the digital recorder was not heard by any of the team members present at the time it was captured.
During this session, three male team members were in the building. Mark, being a bit silly, went up to a dressed mannequin and casually said ”nice blue dress”, commenting on the very new-looking period replica blue attire, it was wearing. Nothing was heard until the audio was reviewed later on. A clear (though a little ambiguous) reply is heard immediately after Mark’s comment.
One interpretation we heard was ‘‘White Dress”.
When we sent the audio to the village management to listen and offer an opinion, we were surprised to hear that the mannequin had (just hours before our arrival) had it’s clothes changed by a staff member for cleaning. The mannequin had been wearing a WHITE DRESS! A spooky coincidence, or possible communication? You decide.
Below are two samples taken from a 150-second recording at the location. The first sample has not been altered apart from cropping the length to 15 seconds. The second sample has been amplified by 30dB to improve listenability. The audio anomaly or EVP occurs at 10.5 seconds into the sample and appears to be made up of two syllables whispered in a male voice.