It has the reputation of being one of the most haunted locations in New Zealand.
Kingseat Hospital is a former psychiatric hospital located in Karaka, south of Auckland. It is currently the site of residential villas, created from former patient housing, the Spookers attraction, located in the former Nurses’ Hostel as well as several large disused and vacant hospital buildings. The hospital closed its doors in 1999, however spirits of staff and patients are said to linger in the imposing buildings on its grounds. These are Haunted Auckland’s Kingseat Investigations…

Two investigations to round off the year. A Return to Kingseat and a residential assessment.

Kingseat - Villa 11

Kingseat re-visit. Random photo 2018 gallery

Kingseat Hospital Photo Gallery

Kingseat Morgue [Photos]

Spookers visit with Steph from Smash! on Edge TV

Kingseat Photo Gallery - Maximum Security

Kingseat Maximum Security

Kingseat Maximum Security - Third Overnight Session

Follow-up Investigation at Spookers

Spookers Return Visit with The Edge

Kingseat Nurses Hostel / Spookers

Private Residence, Kingseat

Kingseat History and Nurses Hostel Walk-through

Residential Villa, Kingseat