Statement with video: I went into the Bush to do some research around 5.00pm 3rd of April 2010, I didn’t expect it to go dark so quickly. I was heading out when all hell broke loose. At least two creatures were around me they made themselves very clear I wasn’t welcomed………No.1 Rule – do not do anything like this by yourself….
Statement with video: This is a follow up video to what happened last night 9-4-2010 I made this at 9pm today…..Please, Please, I cant stress enough don’t go out on your own. This encounter has woken me up big time to what could have happened to myself or anyone for that matter, out researching on their own….I wont do it again by myself, I just had to share what happened with you guys and put this behind me and continue on researching this beautiful creature we call The Yowie……Cheers…Tony from Australia