This page offers some of the ways we have come across during our research, that other people, paranormal teams and investigators have discovered that have allowed them to “see ghosts” We can not vouch for the authenticity of any of these experiences, methods or experiments.

Recording Video ITC using a Video Editor
- Connect your camcorder to the computer, using the USB or Firewire (IEEE 1394) cable.
- Open your video editing software (e.g., Windows Movie Maker) and select “capture video”. Choose a filename for the recording.
- Set the manual focus of the camcorder at about 12 inches (30cm). Do not use autofocus.
- Hold the camcorder about 6-10 inches (15-25cm) from the screen and point it at the preview window in your video editing software. You should see the output from the camcorder in the preview window.
- Slowly zoom in on the center of the preview window until you see the swirling clouds, then stop zooming.
- Start video capture (you do not need to record using the camcorder, but you can also do this if you want to make a backup).
- If you wish, talk to the “spirits”, inviting them to appear, or ask questions.
- While you are recording, gently aim the camcorder into the dark areas and swirling clouds.
- When you have finished recording, examine every frame of the video for any anomalous images. You can use your video editing software to take pictures of individual frames.
- If you are not satisfied with the results, try experimenting with different focus, zoom and distance from the screen.
How To See and Talk To Ghosts – by “Dream Whip”
Imagine an egg shaped sphere around you. Hold in your mind the idea of this shield keeping you safe from all intrusive energy that may be present. Feel secure in your shielding; it will protect you from harm. Maintain this field for several minutes, this will allow it to have enough strength to last if your attention waivers, which it probably will the first few times you see a ghost!
Seeing Ghosts:
There are several techniques you can use to sense and perceive ghosts, use any that works for you, or be creative and create your own technique as you progress. These basic techniques will let almost everyone see ghosts within ten to fifteen minutes. I suggest you start here and experiment as you improve.
Hold your mind as free of thoughts as possible. Allow your eyes to defocus and your body to relax. Slow you eye movements and scan the room by moving your head. After a few moments you will notice parts of your visual field that you usually ignore, subtle things that are always there. As you pay attention to movement, flashes of light or colour, or even a “sense” of presence, keep your eyes relaxed.
Alternatively you can “see” most of the same things with your eyes closed! Close your eyes and keep your mind as clear as possible. Focus your attention ahead of you, much as if you were looking with your physical eyes. This helps most people concentrate, as it is a part of their normal functioning patterns. After a few moments you will likely notice movement in the room around you. It is not uncommon to be able to sense the room and the people in it, in a fashion that leaves ghostly images in your mind.
With a bit of practice you will begin to notice forms moving through the space you are looking at. Some will ignore you no matter what you do, but many take your attention as a sign that they should try to interact with you! If you respond in a kind and gentle manner, you will find that you can open up communication with some of them.
Communicating With Ghosts:
Ghosts will often try to communicate in several ways, they will gesture, mouth words, generate words using ambient sounds and communicate on a telepathic level. By paying attention to what they do and say you can often get very clear pictures of what it is they wish to tell you.
If you keep your mind very clear, you will be able to pick up the impressions that the ghosts or entity is trying to send you. Remember that even though some entities will try to frighten you, they have no real power over you. In fact you are far more powerful, having a body to generate useful energy to perform the task at hand, as well as having the ability to use environmental energy like they do. Don’t let them intimidate you. This is the main reason for being well shielded at the beginning of this adventure, not so much for protection, as you probably won’t need it, but to prevent fear from entering you mind.
To send a message that they can understand, simply hold the concept, the impression, you wish them to receive, in your mind. Given a clear and focused impression, they will likely come to understand you in just a few moments!
Some words of warning before you start… After a few days of regular practice communicating with ghosts, hundreds or even thousands may appear, all vying for your attention! This can seem overwhelming at first, to say the least! Remember though, that you can shield your person or home to keep them out, even specific rooms in your house, such as the bathroom, or you can simply ignore them.
If you go back to being boring, by not talking to them, they will rapidly seek entertainment elsewhere! Give them no attention for a week and all but the most dedicated will be gone.
With a little work, you can experience many of the same things that the top mediums have reported through the ages, in a safe and non-threatening way! Follow the basic steps and have fun!
It is believed that if a child is born at midnight it has the gift of sight and is able to see beyond the grave. This child is known as the chime child. The seventh son of the seventh son is also supposed to have this power.
If you wish to have a deceased relative find their way home, by the Maya’s tradition, all you have to do is draw a chalk line from their grave to the fireplace of your home. This way the spirit will always be able to find its way back home.
In a medieval spell book explains that if you wish to learn what spirits live in a cemetery, all you have to do is burn a mixture of aloe, musk, saffron, vervain, and pepper.