Hi all, looking for some help with information on this one. This week I received a framed picture.
It belongs to someone, who’s grandmother no longer wants the picture in her home and believes it to be haunted and gotten rid of. It was going to be dumped, but I said I’d take it. She has said that it makes her feel very uneasy and it frightens her. I am told it has been in the family since ‘forever’ and that it was kept in storage for over 20 something years due to no one wanting it in the house.
The picture is printed on a shiny fabric and has a soft foam underlay. On the back is a label with the typed inscription, ‘336. The Little Urchin’.
This is underlined and has the name ‘Greuze’. I’m guessing this is Jean-Baptiste Greuze, as his paintings are of the same style and have similar subject matter. Anyone got anything similar or can shed some light on who this?
Update: The picture is apparently titled under a few names, depending on where you look. “Enfant”, “A Blond Haired Boy with an Open Shirt”, and the one in the photo.