Paranormal Investigation procedure

Whether you’ve been following this team since 2010, or just recently discovered us, welcome and thanks for joining in the fun, learning, and adventures.

We’re always learning new things, so hope to pass that knowledge on to you all so that you might learn as we do, in this crazy but fascinating world of the paranormal.

Firstly a few things you should know about Haunted Auckland. We’re a small Auckland-based team of friendly, well seasoned, and enthusiastic researchers with differing levels of experience, knowledge, skills and expertise. Our investigators are intelligent, honest, compassionate, and possess critically thinking (yet wide open) minds. We’re also very good listeners.

What we aren’t:

  • We aren’t Ghost Busters, Ghost Hunters, Exorcists, Mediums, Clairvoyants, or Psychics.
  • We don’t really do private home visits anymore and we don’t do clearings, blessings, or the ridding homes of alleged demons.
  • We don’t do prayers, rituals, or bring any religious elements into our work.
  • We aren’t mental health experts or sleep disorder professionals.
  • We aren’t ‘’Believers’’.
  • We also aren’t blinkered, close-minded, and staunch sceptics.

Why we don’t offer Clearings and Banishings

Our primary reason for existing as a team is to experience first-hand and document any perceived paranormal activity so that we may learn to better understand the phenomena and the misconceptions surrounding it. Our aim as a research team is to study these phenomena as closely as possible to form more educated opinions via experimentation, documentation, and simply being present at the moment to record and respond accordingly to it and wherever it may lead us.

We decided many years ago to stop offering clearings and cleansings, as the more we learned, the more unethical (even damaging) we could see it was on a few levels.
We wanted to experience and observe these ”beings” and learn about them. Learn from them directly.
To hopefully interact and communicate, if such a thing is possible and document as much as we could of it to advance the study of the paranormal.

If the theories on spirits are correct, then clearing, or ”banishing” becomes nothing more than a punishment, an eviction from a home, or even a death. Death to a person (possibly living in an alternative dimension we are yet to even understand or comprehend), that has as much right to exist as ourselves.
Until ghosts, spirits, negative energies, and demons have been sufficiently verified to actually exist, (to which they as yet haven’t, outside of belief, possible misinterpretation, and superstition) it would be unethical to assume a position of knowledge and superiority enough to think we have rights that far outweigh theirs. That we may enter their home and try to evict or eradicate them as if they were cockroaches or some other household pest.


While we are sceptical and doubtful of certain cases and ideas, we have seen and experienced enough in our time to realise that dedication to the research is definitely a worthwhile cause. Instead of blindly believing (or disbelieving), or just accepting what we are told is true and real, we prefer to seek out the answers ourselves through first-hand, ‘boots on the ground’ investigation. Experimentation, observation, and documentation.

  • We don’t have all the answers and we don’t consider ourselves experts.
  • We don’t make claims we can’t back up with evidence or reliable data.
  • We don’t charge anything for what we do. The opportunity to investigate a location and hopefully further our research is its own great reward.
  • We don’t use equipment or gadgets that have been proven to not work or don’t offer anything useful in our research. We don’t waste our time using gimmicky and long since debunked paranormal fad toys like Spirit Boxes, random word generators, phone apps, Echovox / Geoport/ Portal boxes and other fake ‘’communication’’ devices.

We like to use our research time wisely, so refrain from wasting our time with equipment that has been trialed (by us or others), researched and analyzed and proven as no benefit at all and only fit for entertainment purposes.

What we are, is ‘real world’ researchers. Learning by doing. Walking the talk. Substance over fluff.

We follow the Scientific Method as closely as we are able to; though it’s not always easy to create a fully controlled environment and the fact that true paranormal activity is sporadic and very rare means we don’t always have a lot to go on. Still, we do our best with what we have to work with at the time and go wherever it takes us.

We go to where the stories are coming from in order to see for ourselves. We talk to the people involved to get their sides to the occurrences.

Our conclusions are never really final and we find multiple return visits yield the best results; so have built up trusting relationships with quite a few locations within the historical communities in this country. Our clean and respected reputation within historical circles is something the team prides itself on, as it has grown over the last decade and is based on well over 200 investigation sessions within that time.

If you would like to have the team visit your building to look into unusual activity that you feel might be paranormal in nature, we’d love to hear from you. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”, as they say. Please check out our website and don’t hesitate to make contact if you have any queries or would like to know more about what we do.

We’re always happy to talk about spooks!

Getting Started

We usually begin with either an email or phone request from the client wanting information or a visit, or a reply to a request from us to investigate a premises.

Sometimes we are able to offer solutions via email or phone without having to go to a location, as the activity can sometimes be explained away as being a common natural occurrence. Much seemingly paranormal activity can be attributed to house movement, climate and atmospheric change or even possible health problems.

We advise that you seek professional assistance from your GP if you or someone in your family is behaving seemingly unusual, before contacting us.

We are not qualified Mental Health experts; nor are we trained to assist in child behavioral issues.

Again, please seek help first from those that are qualified, before jumping to any wild Paranormal / “Demons have taken over my child!” conclusions. – Thanks.

We try to gather as much background information of the property and alleged activity before entering a premises.

When details have been gathered and terms have been agreed upon, we set a date and time to visit.

We have so far held investigations within private homes, community halls, theatres and cinemas, historical buildings, businesses, churches, cemeteries and museums all around New Zealand as well as a few places internationally.

We do not charge anything for our services, we do this purely to further our research.

All details of the investigation and any captured audio, video and photo evidence will be compiled into a full investigation report, given to the client to keep after we have finished our analysis.

Of course we can make no guarantees that actual paranormal activity will be experienced or documented. This is certainly not an exact science and is based on chance, luck, trial and error.

We are always looking for new locations to visit and investigate, so if you live, work in, or know of a place that could potentially have paranormal activity then please feel free to make contact and we will see how we can help you.
